“Are You Really Prepared? Discover the Must-Have Items That Could Save Your Life in an Emergency!”

"Are You Really Prepared? Discover the Must-Have Items That Could Save Your Life in an Emergency!"

When counting the people in your household, don’t forget to count pets! The last thing anyone wants is to have a pet who got sick from drinking non-treated water. You won’t want to carry a million little bottles either, so the bigger the container the better.


Non-Perishable Food Will Keep You Going



Canned food is a must during an emergency since it lasts for extended periods of time and doesn’t require refrigeration. Remember that whatever food you keep around won’t only need to last, but will also need to be able to survive in varying temperatures.


This also includes pet food, which is generally non-perishable anyways. If you’re someone who only makes their pet food, be sure that you have some canned or dry pet food when worst-case-scenario planning.


Batteries May Be Your Only Source Of Power




During an emergency, you may experience a power outage for an unknown amount of time. There are multiple things on this list that will require power, all of which should be battery-operated so that you can use them regardless of the electricity situation.


That being said, an extra pack of AA batteries may not be enough. You’ll want to take inventory of the battery size requirements of everything in your emergency kit and make sure that you have enough to last even longer than your other items, like food, so that you can communicate if you’re in need of help.


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