“Are Your Kids Crying for Help? Discover 40 Alarming Signs of Bad Parenting”
Don’t ask me how I know.
When the parents answer questions asked to the child. My niece wouldn’t talk to anybody who wasn’t in her immediate family, and me. I’d take her to an ice cream shop, told her she could have the whole menu if she ordered it herself, but she never did. She refused to talk to outside people because her mother always spoke FOR her, so the kid has never had a voice. Imo, that’s child abuse.
Answering as someone with terrible parents/grandparents who I was also raised by for years of my life:
When I lived with my grandparents, I was super obedient and didn’t talk back to anyone, I was known as the nice and quiet kid who wasn’t a problem for anyone.
What was going on behind the scenes, was that I’d get hit if I opposed my grandparents, so I learned that was a bad thing.
With my mom, who is neglectful and puts her boyfriends over us, I don’t respect her, I don’t like her, so I don’t care about what she wants, but I’m not dumb enough to be so rebellious that I’ll do anything to jeopardize my future plans.
I saw an example of talking back to teachers, and I can see where that would be the case, but it could also be something to look out for in someone who is overly obedient.
My wife is a teacher. A kid in her class had lice, so they sent her to the office and called the mom. The mom couldn’t (wouldn’t) come get her. The next day, the kid returned to school, lice and all. The mom did nothing the night before. The poor kid was humiliated when she had to leave class again.
At the middle school age, the tendency to shut down when they are corrected or receive a consequence at school is telling. A well-adjusted kid will get angry or upset with you and some will even tell you what their parents will do if they find out (lose video games or phone or being grounded). They will also tell you not to call, and if you do, they will come in the next day mad at you, and will usually tell you their consequence at home. Think “my mama yelled at me last night because of you!”
A kid with abusive/overly harsh parents will kinda just turn off and make themselves small. They don’t bargain with you about calling home, and a lot of times they don’t show up the next day. I rarely call home if I see that reaction…only if it’s a situation where I am told I have to like with failing grades or something.