“Ariana Grande’s Golden Globes Nomination: Is It Talent or Just Photoshop Magic?”

"Ariana Grande's Golden Globes Nomination: Is It Talent or Just Photoshop Magic?"

“What happened to her body?” asked one fan, posting a photo comparison that had users describe Grande’s current version as “bony” and “emaciated.”

Ariana Grande’s recent Golden Globe nomination reignited the debate surrounding her appearance, with some users calling her the “bride-of-Skeletor”

Image credits: Roy Rochlin / Getty

Others went as far as to accuse the official images of the actress dressed as her character in Wicked to be heavily altered digitally in an attempt to mask what they believed to be the actress’ “unhealthy appearance.

“Look at all the Photoshop and makeup she needs to look like a 7! a user argued. “It’s all hype with Ariana and never substance!”


Despite efforts by Grande’s defenders to label the conversation as “misogynistic,“sexist, or an attempt at “body-shaming the songwriter, the topic has done anything but grow over the last few months, becoming more antagonistic towards her along the way.

Image credits: Arturo Holmes / Getty

A particularly harsh comment wondered if a segment of Grande’s audience had been alienated by her new appearance: “I know for a fact that a substantial part of that base can’t stand the woke, whitewashed, bride-of-skeletor weirdo she’s turned into.”

Image credits: arianagrande

The most recent uproar followed her appearance at the Wicked premiere in Los Angeles last month (November 9). Fans described her look as “skeletal and “robotic, as the star showed up to the event in a dress that accentuated her ribcage and neck bones.

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