“Back Behind Bars: The Shocking Twist in Lily Stewart’s Sorority Saga!”

"Back Behind Bars: The Shocking Twist in Lily Stewart's Sorority Saga!"

Lily Stewart first went viral for smiling in her mug shot with a fancy outfit and hair done

Image credits: Kindel Media / Pexels

The college student was heading to a ‘darty,’ also known as a day party, that a fraternity was throwing at Georgia College & State University. 

All was well on the drive over. As she told People, her sunroof was open and she was “blasting Drake” and house music. Accompanying all that was her car, going 85mph in an area where the speed limit was only 55.

And that’s when she ran into trouble.

Image credits: Clarke County Sheriff’s Office


She saw a Georgia State Patrol car coming from the opposite direction before it made a U-turn and started to chase her. Stewart obliged, pulled over, and got handed a speeding ticket — which wasn’t actually a huge deal.

It was after she pulled away and revved her engine right back up to 85 that truly landed her in trouble.

“I had somewhere to be, girl. I had a darty,” she said. “My ETA was 11:05 a.m. and I was going to get there at 11 and the group was leaving at 11.”

But the dread hit her a little too late when Stewart looked in her rearview mirror to see that the same officer was following her. Again.

She was arrested on March 8 after speeding two times

Image credits: Lily Stewart

That was what led to the sorority girl being placed in handcuffs as she was escorted to the back of the officer’s cruiser, watching as her Volvo SUV got towed away. Lucky for her, though, the two seemed to hit it off quite well, despite the unlikely circumstances. 

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