“Back Behind Bars: The Shocking Twist in Lily Stewart’s Sorority Saga!”
Stewart recalled the unexpected moment of bonding that started when Walking on a Dream began playing in the car.
“I’m like, ‘Oh my gosh, this is my favorite song,’” she shared with the outlet. “And he’s like, ‘No way, me too.’ And then he turns it up and I start singing.”
“At that point,” she said, “we became friends.”
Image credits: Lily Stewart
The 20-year-old added, “I told him, I said, ‘You know what? You might have arrested me, but I’m not going to let this ruin my day.’ And he said, ‘Good, I’m glad this isn’t going to ruin your day.’”
When she arrived at the station, she took her mugshot with a bright smile, her hair all done up with flashy jewelry… and the rest is history.
“Everyone’s been asking me, ‘Why’d you smile, why’d you smile?’ I just smile,” Stewart said. “It was just like an instinct. There were cameras up there. I popped my smile and turned to the side.”
The officer that hauled her in had a moment of bonding with Stewart
Image credits: Lily Stewart
When she called her parents, George and Michelle, she started the conversation off with “Dad, think of the absolute worst thing I could possibly do,” before laying it on them.
At first, her father thought it was funny until he learned she’d been speeding, to which he replied, “I couldn’t even think of something more stupid.”
Her mother simply said, “I want to thump you upside the head.”
The two were more than aware of Stewart’s unique mug shot. But as the talk around that memorable March day faded, the 20-year-old got back to her normal routine with classes.
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