“Before They Were Stars: Unveiling the Jaw-Dropping Transformations of Millennial Icons!”

But let’s also take a moment to acknowledge the fact she has repped in button-up tunic shirts all her life.
Alec Baldwin’s SNL Trump Impression Made Us All Forget How Smokin’ He Used To Be

Alec Baldwin’s first major role for Millennials was in 30 Rock. And even though his character Jack Donaghy is suave, he’s still older.
This photo of young Alec explains why he’s the most successful of the Baldwin Brothers. That chest hair combined with that jawline? We’re feeling it.
So You’re Telling Me Jamie Lee Curtis Wasn’t Always The Mom In Freaky Friday?

Gen Xers are screaming at the top of their lungs right now because they grew up with Jamie Lee Curtis as the lead in Halloween. But for the rest of us, she didn’t become relevant again until she starred in the Freaky Friday remake with Lindsay Lohan.
So That’s Why They Called Frank Sinatra ‘The Sultan Of Swoon’

Frank Sinatra was mostly just the guy that everyone’s mom was obsessed with. But seeing this mugshot from his 1938 arrest changes everything. Now I understand why all the ladies loved him so much.
Oh, and if you’re wondering, they arrest him for adultery and seduction. Yes, seduction.
I Was Not Expecting Barbara Streisand In Leather On A Motorcycle