I already knew that Barbara Streisand is a queen, and this photo of her from 1970 in a leather bikini top on a motorcycle just confirms it.
She’s the only woman who has ever won a Golden Globe for Best Director, she’s released a #1 single every decade for six decades, and she is an absolute bombshell.
It’s Hard To Recognize This Artist Without His Perm
Would you believe me if I told you this was legendary soft-spoken painter Bob Ross? Yes, before The Joy Of Painting he was a member of the U.S. Air Force. He only got the iconic perm to save on money. He reportedly hated the hairdo but had to keep it because they already branded him with the perm.
The actress coming up is know for playing powerful women, but at one point she was too hot for Hollywood.
Clint Eastwood Before He Started Talking To Empty Chairs
Baby Boomers have been yelling at me for years for not understanding that Clint Eastwood was a babe back in the day, but now that I see this photo it all makes sense.
I know of Eastwood for Million Dollar Baby and that weird speech at the Republican convention, but this version of Eastwood is so much better.
Meryl Streep Doesn’t Age
So, apparently, this photo was taken in 1981. But I don’t believe it because Meryl Streep looks exactly the same now as she did back then. Take away a few wrinkles and add a sunkissed glow.
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