“Behind the Bright Lights: The Hidden Struggles of Child Stars That Could Change Everything You Think About Fame”

"Behind the Bright Lights: The Hidden Struggles of Child Stars That Could Change Everything You Think About Fame"

Even if a career-changing film or television series comes along, child actors are told to decline the offer. Adriana Caselotti, the voice of the original Snow White, wasn’t allowed to feature her voice anywhere after making a deal with the devil (sorry, the Mouse).


Parents And Guardians Run Their Social Media



You're With The Mouse Or You're Not


Social media is a huge part of society. But many child actors aren’t trusted to run their own accounts since “trolling” and cyber-bullying are, unfortunately, still very prominent in the online community. Instead, parents and guardians are typically posting pictures and captions on the young stars’ various social media sites.


Of course, not every star gives over that power to an adult. But a vast majority is asked to hand over the power—just one more thing out of their control.


There’s No Smoking On Set



There's No Smoking On Set


It’s no secret that young actors fall victim to vices at a young age. One such vice being smoking. But that’s an image a network doesn’t want to promote, especially Disney. They want their young stars to look innocent and youthful.


In order to do that, Disney makes it a rule that each set and studio has a strict no smoking policy. Many of the child actors are even told to hide their bad habits from fans, meaning they’re not allowed to smoke on the streets or anywhere they’ll be recognized.

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