“Behind the Curtain: Why These Beloved Actors Regret Their Most Iconic Roles”

"Behind the Curtain: Why These Beloved Actors Regret Their Most Iconic Roles"

It seems that not only did he hate the role that made him famous, but he hated the entire industry. He’s stepped away from Hollywood and hasn’t acted since 2016.


Andrew Lincoln Wants To Be Known For His More Serious Roles



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Nowadays, kids would recognize Andrew Lincoln as Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead. Long before he landed that major role though, Lincoln debuted as Mark in Love Actually, AKA, the guy holding the signs for Kiera Knightly.


Even though the bit part made him a recognizable face, Lincoln says that his character was the “weird stalker guy.” Apparently, even at the time, he was worried about coming off as “creepy.”


George Reeves Thought Playing Superman Killed His Career



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The first actor for play Superman on the small screen was George Reeves in the 1950s show The Adventures of Superman. While Reeves took the part very seriously because he knew the impact he would have on kids, he absolutely hated it.


He constantly referred to the role as “beneath his dignity” and said that getting into costume was like wearing a “monkey suit.” Reeves didn’t even appreciate the fame it gave him because, for years afterward, he’d have entire roles cut because directors thought his famous face would distract audiences.


Adam Brody Is Tired Of Being Seth Cohen



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Any teenager growing up in the early 2000s had a major crush on the nerdy outcast Seth from The O.C. While he may have had girls fawning over him, the actor who played Seth is tired of being asked questions about him. It has been nearly fifteen years and Brody still apparently gets asked only about his role as Seth.

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