“Behind the Jumps: The Shocking Secrets of Evel Knievel’s Reckless Pursuit of Fame”
In the ’60s and ’70s, most bikers were considered to be gang members who wore black leather. To fight against that image, Evel went with the patriotic red, white, and blue jumpsuit.
Liberce Inspired His Clothing

We know that Knievel chose red, white, and blue clothing instead of black leather so that he wouldn’t look intimidating, but what about the flamboyant jumpsuit? Knievel said that his main inspiration for his bell-bottomed, winged, bedazzled jumpsuit was none other than legendary showman Liberace.
Even though Knievel might seem macho, tough, and rugged, he had a flair for standing out and wanted everyone to know he was a star.
He Was Very Anti-Drugs

Another one of Knievel’s core beliefs was that he hated drugs. During his shows and in his personal time, Knievel would preach anti-drug messages to both children and adults. He particularly hated that drugs were associated with motorcycles thanks to biker gangs like the Hells Angels.
At one point, a near-riot even broke out between Knievel and a group of Hells Angels threw a tire iron at one of his shows.
He Was Originally Part Of A Troupe

His daredevil career began to take off when Knievel created a troupe of like-minded individuals. They called themselves the Evel Knievel Motorcycle Daredevils and would tour the midwest showing off their act.