“Behind the Magic: Stunning Green Screen Photos Reveal Hollywood’s Best-Kept Secrets!”
Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

I’m sorry, but I refuse to believe this photo is real. I was under the impression that the wizarding world of Harry Potter was a real place, and that I just wasn’t invited because my letter to Hogwarts got lost when Voldemort destroyed the Ministry of Magic’s records.
These green screen hands must actually be magical creatures that live in the library.
Game Of Thrones

I’m not going to lie, I expected something a little more intimidating to be a dragon. I understand they just CGI the green stick out, but dragons are huge, terrifying beasts.
Wrapping some fabric around a stick and calling it a day really feels the production team wasn’t even trying to make Emilia Clarke’s job easy.
Life Of Pi

In reality, none of us ever actually believed the tiger in Life of Pi was real, but it’s still a little disheartening to see the proof.
Despite the CGI and special effects, it’s cool to see that the directors had Suraj Sharma actually acting and floating on water.
Space Jam

Come on and slam! And welcome to the greatest disappointment of your childhood! I know it’s unrealistic to think Michael Jordan was actually acting with cartoon characters, but when you’re a kid, the sky is the limit with your imagination.