“Behind the Magic: Stunning Green Screen Photos Reveal Hollywood’s Best-Kept Secrets!”
That tells me Keanu Reeves basically acted out this entire movie in his own imagination, which is pretty darn impressive.
Boardwalk Empire

This shot from Boardwalk Empire proves how a few strips of green screen can transform an entire scene.
If a film wanted to pull off a scene like this decades ago, they would have needed to film by a body of water and omit the dated ocean liners.
The Avengers

Marvel is a powerhouse in the film industry so it’s really no surprise they excel at green screen work. These films are littered with explosions and action scenes.
They probably wouldn’t have even been possible a few decades ago. Well, they might have been possible but they’d be using real explosions which would be a lot more unsafe.
Beauty And The Beast

If you ever doubted Emma Watson’s acting abilities, then this photo will prove you wrong. Dan Stevens is actually walking around in a padded suit with stilts and Watson didn’t crack a smile once. She even had to dance with him in this suit.
Honestly, her ability to actually take Stevens seriously in this get-up is worth an Oscar nomination.

Wolverine is the mutant that can regenerate himself after any type of damage is dealt to him. No matter if its a gunshot to the head or a knife to the gut, he always comes back and angrier than ever. Little kids probably wonder how on Earth he does it.