“Beyond the Brink: Discover the World’s Most Perilous Professions That Could Cost You Everything!”
According to Bureau of Labor of Statistics, 31 total deaths were recorded in 2016.
Oilfield Workers

Heights, heavy equipment, and dangerous materials are just some daunting elements of the job. However, the most significant cause of death of oil and extraction laborers was vehicle crashes.
On top of that, fatigue and long, unsafe travels to and from rigs are reasons why accidents happen so often on the job.
Bull Riders

It’s a popular sport in Spain, and it’s growing in America. But, this rodeo sport has the highest rate of injury to humans. According to a six-year Australian study, bull-riding injuries are becoming more frequent than ever before.
The most common wounds from bull riding include injuries to the limbs, chest, and head.

It’s all about danger here. Workers perform insane stunts that are too risky for any actor to perform. Dicey maneuvers like jumping from great heights, crashing vehicles, or using weapons in fights are all apart of the gig.
There aren’t any official statistics, but you have to hope stuntpeople get good paychecks.

According to the Australian Veterinary Association, these employees are up to four times more likely to fall victim to suicide than the rest of the Aussie population.
Factors include high levels of stress, emotional hardships associated with euthanasia, and the financial strain of being a vet.