“Beyond the Brink: Discover the World’s Most Perilous Professions That Could Cost You Everything!”
The fact that linemen are required to hang out of a helicopter to complete the intimidating gig gets them double the danger points.

Heavy machinery, sun exposure, and chemical hazards are a risk to farmers. Spending long hours in these intense conditions can be very dangerous. Farmers had the 10th-highest traumatic injury fatality rate in Canada between 2011 and 2015.
They saw an average of 23.9 deaths per 100,000 workers.

Cave-ins, explosions, chemical leaks, and toxic fumes are some hazards miners face. China has the world’s largest mining industry and one of the deadliest.
One report found out that the country accounts for 80 percent of coal-mining deaths, mostly due to the explosions that occur underground.
Maintenance Workers

Taking care of parks and the grounds outside of office areas are a necessity, but these workers had the 10th-most dangerous job in 2016. In that year, 217 fatalities were reported by BLS.
Most workers die due to transportation accidents, or the result of falls, electrocutions, or being struck by loose objects.