These employees oversee and coordinate construction, but supervising comes with a challenge. The construction industry saw roughly a six percent increase in fatalities from 2015-2016. Also, it had the highest number of fatalities in all industries with 991 deaths.
Unfortunately, first-line workers saw a jump of fatal injuries from 16 to 18 percent.
In 2015, fatalities accounted for 62 percent of total accidents in a field where you’re high above the ground.
It’s not a surprise, considering they put their lives on the line. From rushing into burning buildings to digging ditches to save people, firefighters are courageous people. However, the saddest part of it all is this.
Of the one million firefighters in the United States, 70% of them are unpaid volunteers.
Walking around on the tops of homes and office buildings sounds like fun, but not really. What you might not know is that they are in danger of scorching hot tiles and electrocution.
Plus, when you add heat stroke to the mix of things, you got yourself one nasty job with a median wage of $35,920.
Aircraft Pilot And Fight Engineers
In 2015, crew fatalities accounted for 62 percent of total accidents. The other 38 percent were passengers. In that same year, there were 251 aviation accidents reported to the Transportation Safety Board of Canada.
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