“Bikini Tradie Sparks Controversy: Can She Really Work Topless Like Her Male Colleagues?”

"Bikini Tradie Sparks Controversy: Can She Really Work Topless Like Her Male Colleagues?"

Explaining that she is happy despite the low number of female workers in the field, Foxx added, “A lot of people say you get catcalled, but it’s nothing like that at all,” she said.

“From my experience, if you just go in there with your head held high and if you don’t let men have it over you. Stand your ground. They won’t do anything,” she added. 

Foxx’s videos got divided comments from social media users


Image credits: thebikinitradie

ADVERTISEMENTThe video got divided comments on social media. Some users agreed with Foxx, while others said she shouldn’t work topless. And some users were getting inappropriate comments under the post. However, Foxx shared that she won’t let disturbing remarks get her down, saying if she took all the comments personally, she’d be “the most unhappiest person in the world”.

Many men commented on her post in agreement. One user wrote, “yep totally agree spread the t-ts and f–k the boys.” Others commented, “I don’t think anyone would complain, miss,” “I fully agree with you,” and  “I’m not offended.” One commenter disagreeing with Foxx shared, “Surely there’s an aircon in the kitchen.”

Other tradeswomen in the field were upset over Foxx’s videos

Image credits: thebikinitradie

Foxx frequently shared videos of herself working on projects in a bikini top, sparking anger among other tradeswomen. Her counterparts shared that she does not represent the tradeswomen community.


 One tradeswoman shared, “Makes real female tradies put to shame.” And another added, “She does not speak for us female tradies.”  

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