“Chaos Unleashed: The Unforgettable Moments That Made Weddings Unpredictably Wild!”

"Chaos Unleashed: The Unforgettable Moments That Made Weddings Unpredictably Wild!"

Two cops showed up, realized they had a small riot on their hands, and dealt with it by handcuffing pairs of pugilists to the columns that supported the roof.

Our gig ended early that night. I’m guessing the marriage did too.

Bob Colwell Report


I think the most memorable one was when a member of the bride’s family had a grand mal seizure. It was a beautiful poolside wedding. The ceremony had just started. Then it happened!

Afterward, the groom scooped up the woman in his arms and carried her to a bedroom inside the house. 911 had been called. When they gave the word that she was all right, but was being taken to the hospital for observation, the groom said, “We’ve waited a long time to get married. We’re not waiting anymore!” And the wedding continued.

Mary Grant-Young Report

“Had A Bridesmaid Go Into Labor”:43 Wild And Sad Things That Happened At Weddings I was the wedding planner. We had a final walk through with the caterer and gave final head count. They failed to take note of the final numbers and shopped for the original max count, greatly increasing the cost that bride’s parents were covering. They also had pulled as many family and friends to cover tasks as they could (against my advisement) and then when the groom’s mom got sick and couldn’t do flowers, brother was too busy to hang tulle they had purchased, MC didn’t bother showing up, and we had a massive heat wave for that time of year, they expected me to handle all that when I clearly didn’t have time to handle all that train wreck too.

But what took the cake was that the mother of the bride went ballistic on me. I had discounted my services just so they could have help, yet this woman accused me of being in on a scheme with this caterer I’d never worked with before to rip them off and make some extra money. I had already told them I would be speaking with the caterer as that was not right… but she went off and tried to attack me.

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