“Chaos Unleashed: The Unforgettable Moments That Made Weddings Unpredictably Wild!”

"Chaos Unleashed: The Unforgettable Moments That Made Weddings Unpredictably Wild!"

She chased me around threatening to rip the bun off my head and calling me names. I should have called the authorities and pressed charges, but I was concerned for the bride whom I adored. It was an absolutely awful experience. I had to leave with my daughter, who was assisting my team, and leave my crew there. I went home. Dropped off my daughter and got my husband and went back, waiting for everyone to be gone so I could finish my job. I, to this day, cannot stand alcohol at weddings. I’m surprised that didn’t make me quit.

Jennifer Antoniou , valeriygoncharukphoto Report


My eldest son’s wedding was a fiasco from beginning to end!

The bride spent $800 on her wedding gown, but the fittings had been done by family, who didnt have experience with tailoring. Every time the bride bent over, we were treated to a glimpse of her bra and body.

My son was embarrassed to tell us he couldn’t afford tuxes for himself and his friends. We made frantic calls to different stores and found red vests for rent (not cheap, as you can imagine).

The wedding took place in a bar where my son had played gigs, and it wasn’t set up for weddings. The man who was to officiate was drunk, didn’t know their names and had a difficult time climbing up on the stage, nearly falling off! During the ceremony, he turned to my son and said, “Do you take her as your awfully wedded wife?”

The wedding colors were red and black. On the white wedding cake, the red icing ran, making the cake look like it was bleeding.

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