“Chaos Unleashed: The Unforgettable Moments That Made Weddings Unpredictably Wild!”
Big old Italian wedding in a local hall. All the aunties, nonnas, whatever brought fabulous food! Lots of good Italian homemade wine. Guy gets mad at his wife and hits her. Her brother yells you SOB, you hit my sister! He hits hubby. Hubbys brothers jump in. Wifes brothers and father jump in. Hubbys uncles jump in. Bride and I , in yellow crepe bridesmaids dress with ridiculous 60’s beehive and stupid whispy veil, run into the ladies room and barricade the door. When it’s quiet we peek out. Cops taking people away. I was underage but we poured ourselves drinks.
Literally the wildest?
That would be when a bear ambled into a chapel in Vail where I was attending a wedding. Fortunately, they have rangers to deal with that kind of thing.
My dad´s only brother got married when my siblings and I were about 7, 12, 13, and 14.
My uncle was convinced that my siblings and I were going to be horribly behaved at the service and at the reception. We were separated from everyone because of the fear of what we might say or do. (I don´t remember whether or not there were other kids on site or not.)
My mom got seated with the kids at the furthest table. My dad and my grandmother sat at the head table as was their due.
My uncle´s brand new wife had an uncle. This uncle took great advantage of the open bar.
This particular uncle was not only loud and unruly, he chose to urinate in the hotel´s fancy water fountain and then puke on OUR table.