“Chilling Image Sparks Outrage: What Haunting Discovery Left Neighbors Demanding a House to Be Set Ablaze?”

As we dive headfirst into spooky season, what better way to embrace the ghoulish vibe than by sharing a photo that might just make your skin crawl? Whether you fancy yourself a ghost enthusiast or a skeptic who thinks the supernatural is just a bunch of hogwash, there are certain images that can send shivers down anyone’s spine. Enter a viral Reddit post that’s got social media users doing double takes on their phones and casting uneasy glances around their own homes. Is it possible that a mere snapshot can evoke such dread? Spoiler alert: it can! This particular image reveals a hidden creepiness that might leave you questioning the safety of your own kitchen. Curious to see what all the fuss is about? Click on the link to uncover the unsettling tale. LEARN MORE

Spooky season is well and truly upon us, so what better time is there to share an unsettling photo?

Whether you believe in ghosts or other bizarre supernatural occurrences, there are some photos or videos that will make you feel uneasy regardless of your beliefs.

This is exactly what’s happened with this Reddit post, which has gone viral for making social media users have a little jump while scrolling on their phones.

'Tis this season to be spooky (Getty Stock Photo)

‘Tis this season to be spooky (Getty Stock Photo)

It’s one of those ‘when you see it’ pictures that may take you a while to realise what’s wrong, where you regret looking at it in the first place but want to find the ‘ghost’ in the moment.

Personally, I’m not a fan of horror movies or jump scares so this wasn’t the most pleasant sight – posted four years ago, the black and white photo is snapped in someone’s house, from the corridor and looking at the kitchen.

The user wrote in the caption: “After hearing taps and noises from my kitchen I take a photo and see this.”

Take a look at the snap below:

Do you see it? (Reddit)

Do you see it? (Reddit)

If you can’t see it, zoom in to the upper portion of the door and prepare to feel a slight shiver down your spine.

Users took to the comments to share their shock, as one said: “I don’t know why I keep looking at it because it gives me a galloping case of the willies every time I do!

“But I can’t NOT look at it because it’s so freakin’ creepy!”

Another shared: “I was definitely looking straight at it and thought it was something else. My mind did a very freaky thing and insisted that he turned his face to look at me…”

And a third candidly commented: “Nooooo. This gave me the no no feelings. Kinda made my tummy turn. Burn that s*** down, I say.”

Hello there! *runs away* (Reddit)

Hello there! *runs away* (Reddit)

I’d be packing my stuff and leaving town – but that’s just me.

A different user gave us an live action remake: “I don’t see anythiiii…..OH GOD OH F**K I SEE IT WTF”

But a fifth user posed a great question: “Why the hell are ghosts real or fake always peeking around corners?”

When the original user was asked if it was fake, they simply replied: “Unfortunately it’s not. I wish it was.”

They then provided some context, revealing that they live with three friends, but was home alone at the time of the snap.

After hearing some noise, they took a picture of the kitchen and then checked it, but found no-one there.

The user then looked in every room in the house and confirmed that it was just them that was home.

“Front door and locked and all windows were shut too. No idea what’s happened,” they eerily admitted.

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