“Choosing Freedom or Facing Fury? The ‘Selfish’ Millennial Sparking Debate Over a Child-Free Life”

"Choosing Freedom or Facing Fury? The ‘Selfish’ Millennial Sparking Debate Over a Child-Free Life"

Couples who don’t have children miss out on experiencing childbirth and parenting. They also lack interactions with future generations and may face loneliness in their old age without family support. However, they also get to take advantage of person freedom and financial independence.

Natalie faced backlash for claiming that she wanted a child-free life

Image credits: www.tiktok.com

“It’s all fun until you realize that you have lived an empty life, that you have filled with things. Not being able to have kids is one thing, but shaming people that want is not right as well,” was an example of the hate comments Natalie would receive. 


Now she’s opened up with Newsweek, to address those on social media who have labeled her “selfish” and a “snob” for her decision to live a child-free life.

“I hear the question, ‘Who’s going to take care of you when you’re older?’ a lot. I don’t agree with that,” she shared. “You shouldn’t have kids just to ensure someone will take care of you later in life, that’s a huge burden to place on them.

Image credits: nattythebratty

“It’s important to make decisions based on what’s best for your life, not out of fear of the future.”

But the comments don’t just end there.

Natalie admitted she’s been on the receiving end of insults telling her that her “life has no meaning,” or that “women were made to have children.”

“It’s frustrating because it assumes that fulfillment can only come from parenthood, when in reality, meaning and happiness look different for everyone,” she responded. “My life is full, fulfilling and meaningful in ways that are right for me,” adding that she should bear no obligation to meet “society’s traditional expectations.”

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