“Confessions of Childhood: 72 Women Reveal the Most Heartbreaking Lessons From Their Fathers’ Mistakes”
He never recognizes my mother. He wouldn’t survive a week without her, yet he treats her like she’s stupid.
He made me reactive and angry. My mom hates it. I yell and then he gets pissy and distant. I love the silent treatment from him, but my mom is too much of a peacekeeper. I wish she would grow a spine. I wish she would leave. She told me that she was on the cusp of divorcing him when I was a toddler. I had to but my tongue to not say “I wish you did”
It’s easier to have one major fight than have to watch my mother walk on eggshells for weeks in hopes he got sick of whatever ‘joke’ caught his fancy. One time he asked me why I always “rip his head off.” That conversation went as well as you would expect.
Teasing them about their looks, no matter how small or innocent it seems.
Not educating them financially. Girls can earn, save and invest money. Financial education should start at home. It’s better than constantly learning the hard way as women often have to do later on in life.
Not dealing with or recognizing their internal (or external) misogyny.
Expecting their daughter to mature really fast while letting their son be a child for way to long.
Treating their emotions like they’re petty. Don’t belittle their very real feelings by saying it’s hurt “girl drama”.
Eh, so many things. Two main things though.
1) My father made me feel so bad about my body, I am still struggling with my body at 38. My weight, size, appearance, style, and so much more we’re always left wanting. I was never pretty to him. My mother and step mother received a similar treatment. They were never enough. I still don’t know what my body should be. I struggle every hour of every day because I am not pretty.