“Confessions of Childhood: 72 Women Reveal the Most Heartbreaking Lessons From Their Fathers’ Mistakes”

"Confessions of Childhood: 72 Women Reveal the Most Heartbreaking Lessons From Their Fathers’ Mistakes"

wi2ny05 , Getty Images Report

72 Women Share The Biggest Mistakes Their Fathers Made When Raising Them Literally knowing nothing about their daughters lives. Those ‘funny’ videos where they ask fathers basic questions – like what their daughters birthday, or eye color, or school is, and the dads have no idea are not at all funny. I love my dad but he can’t tell you anything about me – even the name of the place I’ve worked for over 6 years.

Lazylioness17 , cottonbro studio Report


72 Women Share The Biggest Mistakes Their Fathers Made When Raising Them Expecting different things from their daughters than their sons, especially when it comes to household chores. Like, Brother mows the lawn once a week but Sister has to do all the dishes, sweep the floors, and fold the laundry every day.

yourlittlebirdie , cottonbro studio Report

72 Women Share The Biggest Mistakes Their Fathers Made When Raising Them The way they talk about women. Making assumptions about them easy, promiscuous, or a s**t based on how they dress. Making sleazy or fatphobic remarks on their body proportions. They make it like women exist for their viewing pleasure.

mali-girl , Kampus Production Report

72 Women Share The Biggest Mistakes Their Fathers Made When Raising Them The one mistake my dad made was not really being present. A lot of the memories I have of him are him watching tv or being on the computer and not having time to play with me, he always said he’s too tired or he’ll come play later but then he never did.
so since we never really bonded when I was little we weren’t all that close as I grew older either.

katie__kat , Getty Images Report



72 Women Share The Biggest Mistakes Their Fathers Made When Raising Them Not teaching us the same things they teach their sons ie) car maintenance, building s**t, power tools etc.

Neonpantsuit , nastuffa Report

72 Women Share The Biggest Mistakes Their Fathers Made When Raising Them Thinking that your daughter’s emotional needs are being met by her mother. Even if mom and daughter are very close and talk often, it is still important to ask your daughter about her day, her relationships, her triumphs and struggles. My mom is my best friend, but our relationship was more volatile than my relationship with my dad and I was scared of disappointing her. My dad was often neutral territory and got to hear all the gossip before mom did. My dad was awesome!

bustopygritte , cottonbro studio Report


72 Women Share The Biggest Mistakes Their Fathers Made When Raising Them Body shaming/ fat shaming

I’m a full grown adult and can name every single time he called me fat, told my friends I needed a diet, ate snacks in front of my and told me I couldn’t have any cause I didn’t need it. I quit theater in school cause ‘how many fat actresses do you see’. No good man will ever want me. Ect.. ect…

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