“Conflicted Heart: Is He Wrong for Turning Down Love with a Pregnant Woman?”

"Conflicted Heart: Is He Wrong for Turning Down Love with a Pregnant Woman?"

A man rejected a second date with a pregnant woman whom his friend set him up with



Image credits: leungchopan/Envato (not the actual photo)

However, his decision led to his friend and other colleagues ostracizing him


Image credits: Fighting_Wind6542

Stepfathers face immense challenges with the roles they inherit

The author’s apprehensions about being a stepdad to the child of a woman he barely knows are valid. The role comes with immense responsibilities and challenges that not every man is willing to face. 

University of South Carolina counseling professor Dr. Joshua Gold is also a stepfather. In an article for The Conversation, he discussed how disciplining and being the “hard hand” to a woman’s children can be ineffective. 


“Because stepfathers lack prior experience with the stepchildren, they haven’t developed the trust necessary to mete out discipline,” he wrote. 

Image credits: Curated Lifestyle/Unsplash (not the actual photo)

There is also pressure to compensate for the biological dad’s absence. In his experience, Dr. Gold says any attempts to intervene between the children and their absentee father typically result in resentment toward the stepfather

In such situations, the stepdad must step aside, especially if the biological dad is still involved. However, this complicates his role as the father figure, which may make him feel out of place. 

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