“Cutting the Cord: How One 24-Year-Old Dared to Stand Up to Her Helicopter Parents on a First Date”
Some signs of controlling parents include offering conditional love, demanding blind obedience and conformity, threatening abandonment, interfering in all aspects of their adult child’s life, invalidating feelings, over-involving themselves in social relationships, and mostly giving negative criticism.
In her article for PsychCentral, Marissa Moore writes that coping with overbearing parents can be challenging, but there are several strategies that can help you out.
A few of these include using ‘I statements’ that are less likely to produce a defensive response, setting healthy boundaries about what, and what isn’t, acceptable behavior, and limiting what you share if your parents have a habit of criticizing your decisions.
Perhaps OP needs to reiterate her boundaries to her parents but, this time, make it clear that there will be consequences if they’re not respected. No stalking should probably be top of her list.
What would you do if you found yourself in OP’s shoes? Have you got your own story of parents who crossed the line? Let us know in the comments!
Readers in the comments swiftly concluded how creepy the parents’ ambush was and one even wondered how the woman could be so calm despite the level of crazy in her post