“Debunking the Myths: 10 Common Beliefs That Are Surprising Lies You’ve Been Told!”

"Debunking the Myths: 10 Common Beliefs That Are Surprising Lies You’ve Been Told!"

Caffeine Dehydrates You



Caffeine Dehydrates You


If you’re in the workforce, a tired new mommy or a stressed-out college student, then you know that coffee can make the difference between awake and comatose. Unfortunately, the caffeine in “bean juice” supposedly has a dire dehydration effect. Or, at least that’s a common thought.


Katherin Zeratsky of the Mayo Clinic says that “Drinking caffeine-containing beverages as part of a normal lifestyle doesn’t cause fluid loss in excess of the volume ingested. While caffeinated drinks may have a mild diuretic effect, they don’t appear to increase the risk of dehydration.”


Goldfish Have A Three Second Memory



Goldfish Have A Three Second Memory


Remember those goldfish that were prizes at the county fairs growing up? The ones that tended to live way longer than you ever expected them to? Well, there is one myth surrounding the little fish, and it’s not their life expectancy.


Most goldfishes owners have heard the “fact” that the fish only has a memory span of three seconds. We’re here to tell you that it is not true! Scientists have found that goldfish can actually remember things going back at least a few months. So be sure not to make fun of your goldfish in front of them, they’ll remember!


Bulls Hate Red



Bulls Hate Red


As depicted in movies and during Spanish bullfighting, bulls tend to get a bit aggressive when they see a matador wave their red cape in front of them. Then, most people know the next event, the bull charges. The myth is that bulls do not like the color red, and for some reason, they get mad over it.

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