“Debunking the Myths: 10 Common Beliefs That Are Surprising Lies You’ve Been Told!”

"Debunking the Myths: 10 Common Beliefs That Are Surprising Lies You’ve Been Told!"

Well, like most other cattle, bulls are actually color-blind to red and green! The animal isn’t mad over the color, but rather the movement of the cape. The bull breed used in these fights is known for their aggression, so any sudden movement is reason for them to attack.


Bagpipes Are Scottish



Bagpipes Are Scottish


Bagpipes are a woodwind instrument using enclosed reeds fed from a constant reservoir of air in the form of a bag. This instrument is probably best known for being played in the Scottish highlands. But contrary to popular belief, that is not where bagpipes originated.


The bagpipe is actually an instrument of the Middle East, thought to be first introduced by Ancient Egyptians. It wasn’t until years later that it was brought over to Western Europe. Ironically, no one knows the origin of the pipes in Scotland! Some say they were imported by Romans, while others believe they came from Ireland.


SOS Means Save Our Ship



SOS Mean Save Our Ship


Morse code is a character “language” that involves decoding dots and dashes. The International Morse Code encodes the 26 English letters, some non-English letters, Arabic numerals, and a small set of punctuation and prosigns. These messages were very important during times of war, especially the code for SOS.


While many believe SOS to stand for “save our ship,” there is actually another reason why SOS is used to indicate “help.” SOS became the distress signal solely because it’s so easy to transmit: three dots, three dashes, three dots… making it so the transmitter would be able to get the code out ASAP!

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