“Debunking the Myths: 10 Common Beliefs That Are Surprising Lies You’ve Been Told!”
There Is A Dark Side Of The Moon
Pink Floyd claimed that there is a dark side of the moon, and it appears that a lot of people believed them. There is talk about sending people to the dark side of the moon to see what’s over there, but guess what? There is no dark side.
There is, however, what is known as the far side of the moon. The far side waxes and wanes light just like the nearer, bright side. So don’t be surprised if we never find anything unusual on the dark side of the moon.
Wait An Hour To Swim After You Eat
If you were an avid swimmer in the summertime, then your parents probably told you a time or two to wait at least an hour before jumping back into the water. And, as a kid, you sat on your towel with a sour expression because you wanted to go play.
Unfortunately, all of those long hours you could have been swimming are for naught. Eating actually doesn’t increase your chance of cramps. That being said, a full tummy will make it so you are a bit short on breath.
Adding Salt Makes Water Boil Faster
It may seem as though pasta water boils quicker after you add that dash of salt to the pot. Not to mention it makes it so the pasta doesn’t stick together, right? Nope. The only thing the salt is doing to your boiling water is making it salty boiling water.
Adding a sprinkle to salt doesn’t make the water boil faster, actually, the opposite effect can occur. Depending on the situation, adding salt can make it so the water takes longer to boil. That’s definitely something to keep in mind the next time you want to make spaghetti!