“Decades in the Shadows: Astronaut Unveils Shocking Truth Behind Historic Mission”
In May 1963, he conducted his first mission aboard the Faith 7, a spacecraft so small it could only fit someone under five feet and 11 inches tall.
The Effects Of Gravity

NASA gave Gordon Cooper some simple instructions. Cooper was supposed to go into space by himself, survive, and study the effects of zero gravity on the human body over a long period of time. That was the mission as far as the public was concerned. Apparently, there were some other aspects of the mission that the public didn’t know about.
There were some things about Project Mercury that Cooper decided to keep to himself.
It Was All Going Well

At first, the project was super successful. Cooper orbited the earth from May 15th to 16th for just about 34 hours. During that time, he became the first astronaut to sleep in space. Imagine being that comfortable in space to fall asleep!
For a while, it was looking like Cooper was going to be able to return to Earth without a hitch. This was a huge accomplishment for NASA and for Cooper, but then disaster nearly struck…
Disaster Averted

Cooper and his team were having a great time exploring zero gravity. They decided that it was time to return to Earth and complete their mission. As the Faith 7 returned to Earth, the automatic piloting system malfunctioned. Cooper was an experienced pilot, so he didn’t panic.