“Decades Later: Is This Woman the Lost Girl Who Vanished Without a Trace?”

Comments were very speculative on how true Kera’s claims were
Image credits: Memories of Cherrie Mahan
And, interestingly enough, Kera’s statement isn’t the first time a stranger has claimed to be Cherrie — as four people have come forward with the same line of thinking.
Back in the early summer of 2024, a woman posted in the same Facebook group that she was the missing girl in question.
Authorities investigated the case but things halted as the group’s administrator banned her for “harassing and bullying” other members.
Image credits: Kera Turner
To this day, Cherrie’s mother is still holding on to the hope that her daughter will be found. She has become accustomed to seeing random bits of information floating around, but it was still a shock to see the words in front of her.
“If you wanted your 15 minutes of fame, you’ve already blown it,” she said to Butler Eagle. “People are mean, they are cruel, but this affects me really crazy. It’s gonna be 40 years since Cherrie’s been missing.”
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