“Decoding Trump: When Words Become Weapons in a High-Stakes Political Drama”

"Decoding Trump: When Words Become Weapons in a High-Stakes Political Drama"

If you do this, don’t worry. I’ll pardon you. Anyone who does this is a terrific patriot. People like him—they’re sick, they’re evil. Many are Marxists or fascists. When I talk about enemies from within? That’s this guy. He needs to be put down like a sick dog.

Right now. Go. Do it. Put him down.

He said something about shooting protesters in the legs. That’s great. We should do that to him. Someone could blow off both of his kneecaps when he’s out buying groceries or something. He should know that could happen to him whenever. I want him scared to go outside. I know plenty of my supporters are listening. They can do this for me.

And anyone who stands up for him? Journalists or left-wing lunatics? We can kill them, too. Burn down their houses, slit their kids’ throats. Whatever. You understand me. If you go after me, I am coming after you.

I want this done as soon as possible. Okay? Thank you.

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