“Desperate to Impress at Work, Man’s Shocking Deception Sends His Wife into a Panic!”
When it seems that everything to fix the situation is done, it may mean that it’s time to move on. “At some point, cutting your losses so you can have a fresh start at an organization more well-aligned to who you are will allow you to be yourself, make the most of who you are, and achieve results that benefit your organization and your own career trajectory,” career consultant Joseph Liu says.
Image credits: fauxels (not the actul image)
As asked, readers shared advice with the author
Later, she came back with an update
Image credits: varyapigu (not the actual image)
Image credits: Dimitri Karastelev (not the actual image)
Image credits: Karolina Kaboompics (not the actual image)
Image credits: ThrowRA-TakeawayCrab
Readers accused the husband of lying very poorly
The post Man Wants To Fit In With His Single Colleagues, Makes Up A Lie That Leaves Wife Terrified first appeared on Bored Panda.