“Devastated Chef Contemplates Divorce After Husband’s Shocking Betrayal of Her Surgery Recovery Meal!”

"Devastated Chef Contemplates Divorce After Husband's Shocking Betrayal of Her Surgery Recovery Meal!"

It’s normally advised to keep meals small and frequent. And to drink lots of fluids. You’d have to introduce foods gradually during this phase. And at some point, you should be ready to go back to normal meals if your doctor gives the green light.

The woman’s diet was particularly complicated because of her added health problems

The woman said she has Celiac disease. According to John Hopkins Medicine, it’s “a chronic digestive problem that hurts your small intestine. It stops your body from taking in nutrients from food.” So even before surgery, the woman would have had to stick to a strict diet. This includes cutting out gluten. So things like wheat, rye and barley.

Eating gluten would cause the woman’s immune system to attack her small intestine. The immune reaction causes inflammation that damages the intestine’s lining. According to Mayo Clinic, “the intestinal damage often causes symptoms such as diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating or anemia”. Over time, the damage  can lead to medical complications. And in certain cases, surgery might be required to treat the complications.

The woman explained why she’d had surgery in an updated post

“The surgery I had was removal of benign tumors I had in my stomach and part of my intestine,” she wrote. “They had to remove three quarters of my stomach and part of my small intestine. They got all of the tumors and are optimistic they won’t return. I’ll have to be very aware of my nutrition for the rest of my life as I will have malabsorption issues.” She also clarified that the surgery was done laparoscopically, adding that it was less painful than “an open procedure”.

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