“Did I Just Ruin a Friendship? The Shocking Decision That Left My Friend in the Lurch!”
Have you ever been left hanging at a cafe, glancing at your watch while wondering if your friend blossomed wings and flew in late? Tardiness seems to be the new trend, especially for young people today, with Gen Z reportedly missing a quarter of their deadlines! But what happens when this carefree attitude towards time stretches into friendships? Picture this: a woman, exhausted by her friend’s habitual lateness, finally decides she’s had enough. When he doesn’t show up for their lunch date—40 minutes late, mind you—she pulls the ultimate mic drop and leaves. Was it rude, or did she exhibit the kind of self-care we could all use in such situations? Get ready for a rollercoaster of opinions on the tricky terrain of punctuality and friendship! LEARN MORE.
Young people might not think that tardiness is a rude thing to do. When it comes to work, for example, Gen Z miss a quarter of their deadlines each week. Baby boomers, on the other hand, miss only 6% and Gen X 10%. People may have different definitions of what being late is, but lateness might cause trouble when it’s between friends.
This woman decided to teach her perpetually late friend a lesson. When he didn’t arrive 40 minutes after the set meeting time, she just up and left. She did, however, later start to wonder; was that a jerk move or was she right to not put up with his antics anymore?
A woman had enough of her friend always being late and just left when he didn’t show up on time for a lunch date
She didn’t notify him, so she later wondered if what she did was a jerk move
Image credits: Mitchel Lensink (not the actual photo)