“Did I Just Ruin a Friendship? The Shocking Decision That Left My Friend in the Lurch!”
Image source: danceofthefireys
There’s still no consensus on whether habitually late people can help being late
Curated Lifestyle (not the actual photo)
Image credits:There are two schools of thought when it comes to dealing with friends who are always late. One side says that the late person is always the jerk and disrespecting their friends. Others try to validate their experience and say the perpetually late just can’t help it.
Etiquette experts say that it’s disrespectful to treat others like their time and plans don’t matter. As the Golden Rules Gal Lisa Mirza Grotts told Bored Panda in a previous interview, “Punctuality is a courtesy that we extend to others and they extend to us. It’s the golden rule on steroids.”
The always late folks themselves sometimes blame time blindness. They just don’t perceive time like the rest of us do and can’t accurately judge how much time doing certain things will take. Dr. Michael Manos, a pediatric behavioral health specialist at the Cleveland Clinic, told the New York Post that it’s a real thing that has been researched. “Everybody has time blindness at times,” he said.
We think of being late as an annoying characteristic our friends have. But, in fact, tardiness might serve the chronically late people in a way. In 2019, researchers from Harvard found that those who are always late may live longer, as they have lower blood pressure and have less risk of developing heart disease.
Perhaps it’s us, serial worriers, who are wrong? We’ll probably never find out, as this issue is more a battle of opinions rather than an argument that can be won with facts. Maybe we all should try out being late? It might give our chronically late friends a taste of their own medicine and give us a few more years to live.
The chronically late and their friends can try meeting halfway to solve this annoying problem
Image credits: kevin laminto (not the actual photo)