“Did I Just Ruin a Friendship? The Shocking Decision That Left My Friend in the Lurch!”
There are things those who are always late can do to rectify their annoying bad habit. But friends of the habitually late folks also can take some steps so they’re less aggravated by their friends’ behavior.
The first suggestion for friends who are fed up with always waiting for their friends comes from cognitive behavioral therapy. Experts say that we shouldn’t take it personally when a friend doesn’t arrive on time and try to shift our perspective.
Psychologist Alex Stratyner, PhD told SELF that often it’s not about you. It’s about that person and what they are dealing with. Perhaps they’re dealing with a sick family member, maybe they have a medical condition, or they just come from a family that never prioritized punctuality.
Dr. Stratyner believes that the best strategy in dealing with someone who’s perpetually late is to honestly tell them. Don’t judge or reprimand them, but communicate how it makes you feel: hurt, disrespected, maybe even disappointed. When they do show up on time, encourage them; according to Dr. Stratyner, people are more motivated to change when they’re praised and not criticized.
Those who always arrive late to things can also do a few things to curb their bad habit. Psychotherapist Stephanie Sarkis suggests taking advantage of the technologies available to us: use alarms, reminders, and note apps. Sleep deprivation and a stressful mode of life can exacerbate time blindness, so be sure to take care of your physical well-being.