“Disasters Waiting to Happen: The DIY Projects That Transformed Homes into Nightmares!”
I think it may be less expensive to invest in an actual snow shovel though.
A Perfect Fit (Almost)
This shelving unit is a little too big for this spot. This is a tight squeeze if I ever saw one. This is why measuring is important.
How long before the weight of whatever they put on that shelf breaks the molding? I give it a few months.
A Lawnmower For The Kids
This could potentially be a good idea if the lawnmower attachment were on an adult bike and if it wasn’t held on with zip ties.
I know we want our kids to help out around the house more, but this is dangerous on so many levels.
When Sandpaper Takes Too Long
This guy needed to take an inch off his door. He didn’t have many tools, and sandpaper was taking too long.
The door fits now, and it only took one trip around the block. I guess everything worked out for the best. Read on for a DIY that wasn’t as successful.
This Is Art
These melted crayon canvases have been popping up all over Pinterest for years. Looks easy enough, right? Mount a bunch of crayons on a canvas and melt them with a hairdryer until they make a pretty drip design.
Apparently, it’s not as easy as it looks.
I Think This Is Supposed To Be A Hedgehog
Someone tried to make their daughter an adorable hedgehog cake for her birthday. It is cake, so I would definitely eat it, but those gummy teeth are super frightening.