“Disasters Waiting to Happen: The DIY Projects That Transformed Homes into Nightmares!”
Without the teeth, this would almost be cute. Maybe opt for a store-bought cake next year.
An Unfortunate Mistake
There are lots of possible solutions to this problem. They could take the door off and just use that top cupboard as a shelf. They could take the lightbulb out and replace it with a recessed light.
However they go about fixing it, maybe get a professional to help this time.
A New Kind Of Traffic Light
This traffic cone “lamp” looks like electric candy corn. This is the very definition of trashy. Lampshades are not that expensive. Please leave the traffic cones on the road where they belong.
That Doesn’t Look Very Safe
This doesn’t look like a good idea at all. This is a trip to the hospital waiting to happen. Why does anyone need to slide into a pool anyway? Can’t we just safely, one by one, walk down the ladder like responsible adults?
It may be less fun, but nobody will end up with a concussion.
I’m Sure It Still Tastes Fine
This is a perfect manifestation of expectations vs. reality. this is supposed to be a cinnamon pear cake. It’s supposed to look like the lovely top picture. Unfortunately, the batter and the oven had other plans.
I bet it still tastes fine though. Cake is cake.