“Disasters Waiting to Happen: The DIY Projects That Transformed Homes into Nightmares!”
A Trashy Garbage Chute
Yeah, this is convenient. But is the convenience worth a hole in the side of your house and a trail of garbage cans sticking out the side of it? This isn’t doing much for the house’s curb appeal.
Custom Shower Curtain Rings
Want your shower to look like a crime scene straight out of Psycho? Install some zip tie shower rings, and you’ll never feel safe while you bathe ever again.
I guess this sort of works, but also, just get some shower rings. This is not a good look.
Improvisation At Its Finest
I don’t know about you, but that does not look like a functional seal to me. I don’t know if this is good advertising for Pampers or horrible product placement.
Either way, it’s nice to know that those packages can be recycled. Get baby wipes and a car part for the price of… baby wipes.
Super Secure Diary Lock
So the thing about elastic bands is, elastic bands are stretchy. So anybody could just slip the bands over the journal, making the lock totally useless.
Why is anybody writing secret things in a paper journal anyway? The Notes app on your phone is password protected, and it looks nicer.