“Discover the 14 Toxic Personalities You Need to Release for a Happier Life!”

"Discover the 14 Toxic Personalities You Need to Release for a Happier Life!"

These individuals are skilled at taking advantage of your goodwill, and they will never give back in equal measure. They know how to make you feel like you’re their only friend when they need something, but then disappear like Houdini when it’s your turn. Don’t feel bad about refusing to give energy to such people anymore.

4. The Chronic Victim Who Never Takes Responsibility

Sad Woman Being Consoled At Home By Female FriendSad Woman Being Consoled At Home By Female Friend
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

Some people seem to believe that the world is out to get them, and they will make sure you know it at every opportunity. They never take responsibility for their actions or their circumstances. Instead, they prefer to play the victim, waiting for someone to come along and fix things for them. The person fixing is often you.

The problem with this mindset is that it keeps them stuck in a perpetual cycle of self-pity, and they expect you to be their emotional crutch. You can’t fix someone who refuses to help themselves, and it’s not your job to carry their emotional weight.

5. The Flake Who Can’t Stick To Plans

sad woman looking at phonesad woman looking at phone
Photo Credit: Depositphotos.com.

We all know that one person promises to show up, make plans, and be there for you—and yet, time and time again, they bail at the last minute. It’s frustrating, especially when you’ve made an effort to accommodate them in your busy life.

The flake is someone who doesn’t respect your time or energy. They’ll give you every excuse under the sun, but their actions will speak louder than their words. This is a one-sided friendship, and such a person isn’t prioritizing you. They certainly aren’t worth your stress. Stop making room for people who never show up.

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