“Discover the 14 Toxic Personalities You Need to Release for a Happier Life!”
6. The Manipulator Who Wants to Control You

For some folks, manipulation is less an art and more a full-blown performance. They will push your buttons like a toddler in an elevator. They’ll make you question your life choices and convince you that the sky is green if it suits their agenda.
Manipulators plan exquisite guilt trips even when the guilt is as misplaced as a penguin in the Sahara. You’re left feeling like the emotional equivalent of a used teabag. Stand your ground, document events if you have to, and remind yourself that it’s not your fault they burned their tongue with hot coffee.
7. The Envious Ones

People who harbor jealousy can be like emotional vampires, sucking the joy right out of your life. The envious ones can’t handle your success or happiness, and they’ll go out of their way to rain on your parade. One day, it’s side-eye comments, stealthy jabs at your wins; the other, it’s full-on sabotage.
They make it seem like your success is their kryptonite. Don’t let their green-eyed monster keep you from enjoying your victories. Instead, keep company with those who cheer you on and want to see you win as much as you do.
8. The Eternal Complainer

As one prone to anxiety, you’re already seeing problems at every corner. Then comes people who are stuck in a constant state of dissatisfaction, and they seem determined to drag you into their negative mindset.