“Discover the 49 Heartwarming Facts That Will Wrap You in a Cozy Embrace!”

"Discover the 49 Heartwarming Facts That Will Wrap You in a Cozy Embrace!"

Seahorses mate for life, travel with their mate by entwining tails, and the male seahorse carries and labors the baby seahorses.

Male puppies will let female puppies win during play fighting so that they can spend more time with her.

Worms like to snuggle each other.

Female elephants dig a pit when they’re in heat, line up tasty fruits and leaves around the border of the pit, then lay in it and trumpet softly to attract their mate. They breed over a period of a few days, and eat the fruit to keep up their energy.

Dolphins have “names”, which is a specific whistle pattern that is unique to the dolphin. Other dolphins will mimic these patterns to get the attention of the dolphin they want.

Baby chimpanzees make dolls out of sticks, and have been recorded playing make-believe with the poppets: scolding them, rocking them, pretending to bathe and feed them, and putting them to bed.

Sheep recognize human facial expressions and will exhibit happiness if they’re smiled at by their caretaker.

Polar bears will share their meal with other polar bears, but only if the other bears ask politely by touching nose-to-nose.

Baby elephants suck on the tip of their trunk as a comfort stim, similar to how babies and children will suck their thumb or fingers.

Giraffe moms will travel all the way back to their own birthplace to give birth to their babies.

Macaque monkeys have snowball fights!

Mayor Stubbs has been the mayor in a town in Alaska for the past fifteen years! He is also a marmalade tabby cat.

Grizzly bears, upon setting out on their own as adults, will mark territory as close to their mother’s territory as possible. Grizzlies just love they mamas!

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