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"Discover the Heartwarming Images That Will Instantly Restore Your Faith in Humanity!"


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wholesomemeettheinternet Report

Huddo’s sister

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18 hours ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 My grandad was too young to enlist (and the army said they couldn’t take more than five sons from a family, so he would have missed out anyway) but it meant he had to leave school to help run the farm while his older brothers were away. Then he couldn’t get any building/carpentry jobs like he dreamed after the war because these went to returned soldiers. So he thought he would be a minister, but he would have had to study French, by correspondence, in order to get his matriculation (high school certificate). His mentor suggest he go to teacher’s college instead, which he did, and he loved teaching, but his greatest joy was when he was able to teach woodworking for the last 17 years of his career. He managed to come almost full circle.

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