In short, you want to be in a position where you can truly make a difference. For instance, adopting a pet is a big responsibility. If you’re in a precarious financial position, don’t have stable housing, have serious health issues, and are exhausted from work and barely ever home, then you won’t be doing anyone any favors by welcoming a dozen doggos or cattos into your life.


Yes, love, care, and affection are important! But you also need to be practical and rational. It would be heartrending to adopt pets that you’ll have to give back to the shelter because you can’t provide for them.

Not One Single Brain Cell

Charley-Pride is so naughty lol! Are all dust kitties crazy?
We also adopted his sister who is a calico. She’s very sweet. CP is sweet but he’s also quite crazy. He climbs the curtains, the dog (Great Dane), his people. He’ll hide and attack you. We’ve enjoyed the laughter he brings for sure

HeyEweDane Report

Be realistic about whether you’re in a position to truly provide an animal with what it needs to live a fulfilling life according to its nature.


Will you be able to buy your new pet the food and items it needs? Do you have enough money for any vet and emergency expenses that might come up? Is there enough room in your home for your pet to comfortably move, play, and sleep?

My Boy

This is my bestest boy Ares or pud pud as I call him, he’s a retired bomb detection dog and was retired early as he’s gone deaf (not a work related injury). He’s been a working dog all his life until we got him and now he’s a couch potato. He was trained to be rewarded with a tennis ball so he goes crazy over any ball. He never had toys before so we bought him an array of different toys to see what he would like and he didn’t know what to do with them, but slowly he’s learned how to be a dog and play. He’s my 5th dog, second lab and fourth lab throughout our family, but he’s my wife’s first ever dog, she was never a dog person before and didn’t understand the relationships and bonds people form with their dogs untill he came into her life, and now she is a full on dog mum who pays more attention to him then me hahaha Just wanted to drop in and introduce our boy

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