“Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Nature’s Most Baffling Secrets: You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!”

"Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Nature's Most Baffling Secrets: You Won't Believe Your Eyes!"

This isn’t a fitting place for this wonder



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According to Reddit User Jenipher2001, the inscription on this display case suggests that this polar bear is the second-largest one ever to be recorded in the world. What’s also clear is that it’s sitting in a place that has fallen on some hard times.


However, this isn’t some natural history museum or library that had its funding cut. Instead, this bear has inexplicably been standing in a largely abandoned Woolworth’s store that closed over ten years ago. That just seems wrong.


This isn’t where most people would think



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If the firm still existed, this sturdy vault door would be a credit to the Mosler Safe Company. After so many decades, it’s as solid as it was when it was built, and it has both its time lock and its combination lock in place.


However, that doesn’t mean that it’s standing in a bank, at least not anymore. Nowadays, it rests inside a coffee shop that used to be a bank in Columbus, Georgia. Either the owners thought it was cool, or it was simply too difficult to get rid of. Perhaps it’s both.


This could happen in so many places



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This photo was taken at night in the Canadian town of Leamington, Ontario. This wasn’t the result of some strange solar event or a rare weather pattern. Apparently, this is a pretty common feature of the night sky in that town, at least nowadays.

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