“Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Nature’s Most Baffling Secrets: You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!”

"Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Nature's Most Baffling Secrets: You Won't Believe Your Eyes!"

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As Reddit user FlysDinnerSnack explained, their father’s property includes some swamp land. And from the sounds of it, that land isn’t something they’ve made a habit of exploring all that thoroughly. Otherwise, they likely wouldn’t have missed this for as long as they did.


This is a steam-powered winch that would have been used to transfer logs or mineral resources to either a flume or a rail car. Neither seems to be around, but it’s also true that this winch could be up to a century old. A lot can change in that time.


They got this stuff the hard way



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Thanks to the crystalline nature of these large grains, it’s clear that this white substance is salt. But the interesting part is how the person who took these photos got the salt into these jars. And it didn’t involve buying them.


Apparently, they started with about five gallons of seawater. Once they had boiled it all thoroughly enough to get rid of all the liquid, this was the load of salt they were left with. It’s easy to underestimate just how salty an ocean can be.

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