“Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Nature’s Most Baffling Secrets: You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!”

"Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Nature's Most Baffling Secrets: You Won't Believe Your Eyes!"

For one thing, it’s worth noting that this sign is found in the Australian city of Perth. And that smaller text at the bottom is better at putting the pieces into place. The big letters are a representation of people being rude to the transport service’s staff and an example of what not to do. A more accurate one would probably be full of curse words, but the idea is there.


This is why water doesn’t work for every fire





For many people, there comes a time in their lives where their parents will sit them down and tell them not to pour water on a grease fire with the utmost of intensity. And they were rightly serious about it because this is what it looks like when somebody gets that not-so-brilliant idea.


Granted, this isn’t a genuine grease fire. It’s actually a laboratory simulation that involved pouring a small amount of water into a beaker of burning wax. However, the effect is similar to a grease fire after that water evaporates an an instant and shoots a small geyser of burning grease into the air. Obviously, that’s not something anyone wants in their kitchen.


It’s unfortunate, but what is it?



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According to Reddit user Phone_Jesus, a severe storm in the Pacific Northwest jostled things at their house so violently that it put a hole in the roof of their deck. And the culprit for that hole is sitting right in front of those deck chairs.


So what is it? Well, this hard metal plate is actually the topper from their chimney. As bad as this is, it could have done some serious damage if it hit someone instead of crashing onto their deck.

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