“Discover the Hidden Truth Behind Nature’s Most Baffling Secrets: You Won’t Believe Your Eyes!”
In other words, there are a couple of reasons why this photo could have turned out blurry. Either the photographer’s hand wasn’t as steady as they thought or their phone vibrated right as they were trying to take the shot. Those notifications don’t just interrupt screen recordings.
Can anyone guess what this is?

Those who speak German have likely already made sense of this but it’s a hard package to decipher for those who don’t. However, it’s not impossible as there’s a little clue for those with some familiarity with one of the romance languages.
Shown here are two portable libraries that German units in World War I and World War II would be equipped with. For non-German speakers, they only clue to the true purpose of these packages is the term “universal-bibliothek.”
It’s not such a disaster

At first glance, this appears to be a massive tsunami crashing over this highway. But since the road looks perfectly dry, it’s hard not to figure that this photo was either taken at a very specific moment before the wave crashed or a still from an Inception-like movie.
However, it turns out that neither of those things is true. In fact, there isn’t a giant wave here at all. Instead, this photo captures a bizarre cloud formation that just happens to look like rushing water.
This wasn’t just someone being fancy