There’s one thing that’s obvious about this photo and another aspect of it that isn’t. Obviously, this big installation is a bike rack, judging by where it is and the fact that a bunch of people have hitched their bicycles to it.
What isn’t obvious, however, is why its so large and in such a strange shape, besides to shelter the bikes from the weather. Well, the answer is that this is part of a program in Denmark that repurposes the used blades of wind farm turbines for bike shelters. It’s a pretty ingenious idea.
The throne of the Ice Queen
When it gets cold enough, it can be a little surprising to see what ends up frozen. And that’s especially true for objects like this, which look completely unrecognizable when a deep winter chill strikes suddenly enough. But what is it?
It’s not likely to be anybody’s first guess, but this is one of those grand water fountains typically seen in a town’s public square or on a fancy corporate campus. Unfortunately, it’s not likely to work well once this ice thaws out because that sudden freeze can’t be good for the plumbing.
He’s retired now
This would definitely be an eye-catching sight to anyone who steps inside this building. It’s so striking and both fearsome and oddly friendly, which makes it hard to wonder what the artist had in mind when they made this. However, it seems that’s the wrong question.
After all, this wasn’t simply the product of one artist’s ambitions. It was a stop-motion figure made for the movie Kubo and the Two Strings, and its sheer size makes it the largest stop-motion puppet ever produced.
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