“Discover the Hilarious Intersection of Classical Art and Everyday Life: 80 Memes That Will Make You See History in a Whole New Light!”

"Discover the Hilarious Intersection of Classical Art and Everyday Life: 80 Memes That Will Make You See History in a Whole New Light!"


If you’re stressed out, you might want to buy tickets to your local art museum as soon as possible. Forbes notes that a stroll through an art museum might even reduce your cortisol levels and help your stress melt away. How can you be anxious about meeting your quarterly goals at work when you’re strolling through a silent gallery and staring at stunning paintings? A visit to a museum is a great time to set aside your worries and slow down for a few hours. 


Next, Forbes notes that visiting an art museum can help you feel less isolated. In recent years, loneliness has become an epidemic, particularly amongst young adults. And anything we can do to combat that loneliness will be beneficial. So calling up a friend and buying them a ticket to your local art gallery can be a great way to have a lovely afternoon. Even if you don’t have anyone to go with, feel free to visit the museum alone! You can always strike up a conversation with another visitor or try to get involved volunteering at the museum to meet new people. 


Now, if you’re a huge fan of classical art, you might be wondering if turning these gorgeous pieces into memes is somehow devaluing them. Lucky for us, Francesca Testa at Cartellino has written a piece on exactly this topic. And one point that she brings up is that memes represent culture in the same way that art does. We like or share posts because they relate to us, in the same way that we love pieces of art that speak to us. Sure, memes might not be hanging up in many galleries, but is there anything wrong with mixing our current culture with culture from the past?  

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